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Critical illness cover explained

All you need to know about how critical illness cover works and what it covers.

In this guide, you can find out what critical illness cover is and how it works. We also look at the types of illness it covers and what it doesn’t cover. Plus, we review how much it can cost and whether you need critical illness cover. 

What is critical illness cover? 

Critical illness insurance is a type of insurance policy. It pays out a lump sum to you if you’re diagnosed with an illness that's covered under the policy. Illnesses covered by critical illness cover include: 

  • cancer 
  • heart attack 
  • stroke 
  • permanent disability. 

Critical illness insurance is often bought at the same time as life insurance. But it’s different to life insurance in that it pays out whilst you’re still alive. This means you can use the money to help pay the bills as you recover from or adapt to your new condition. Life insurance will help your family financially if you die while covered by the policy. 

Once the lump sum has been paid out from critical illness insurance, the cover will end. Unlike income protection insurance, you won’t receive a regular amount of money while you are unwell. Instead, you can use the lump sum you receive as income if you want to. 

How does critical illness cover work? 

When you take out critical illness insurance, you decide how much cover you want and how long you want the plan to last. 

Once the cover is in place you can make a claim if you become unwell with one of the medical conditions covered by your policy. Your insurer may contact your GP or consultant for details about your claim. 

Depending on how severe the condition is, you may not get the full amount of cover paid out in one go. The payout may be less if the condition is not so advanced. 

For example, if you claim for low-grade prostate cancer, you may receive 25% of your chosen level of cover. It’s likely that you will recover and return to daily life. If you then go on to develop an advanced malignant tumour, you can make another claim for the remaining amount. Once the full 100% is paid out, the policy comes to an end. 

You can use your payout however you wish. People tend to use the money to pay off a mortgage or pay rent. You can also use it to make alterations to your home following an accident or illness. Or to cover medical expenses if you choose to have private treatment. 

What does critical illness cover?

The types of conditions covered vary from one insurance provider to another. Common illnesses and conditions covered by most typical critical illness plans include: 

  • Cancer 
  • Cardiac arrest 
  • Eyesight and hearing conditions 
  • Heart attack 
  • Major organ transplant 
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Parkinson's disease 
  • Stroke 
  • Terminal illness 
  • Permanent disability 

What is not covered by critical illness cover?

There are some exclusions and limitations to critical illness cover. Again, these will vary from one insurance company to another. It’s useful to understand what's not covered when you’re thinking about taking out cover.  

Common exclusions include: 

  • Pre-existing medical conditions. These are medical conditions you had before taking out the insurance. Insurance companies won’t usually pay out if the condition or procedure you’re claiming for is linked to a condition that’s been excluded. 
  • Waiting period. When you first take out your plan you may need to wait for a set time before you can make a claim. 
  • Death. If you die within a few days of diagnosis, your family may not be eligible to make a claim. They will be able to claim if you have a life insurance policy though. 
  • Conditions not named in the policy. These include minor illnesses or injuries such as flu, broken bones, and muscle injuries. 

The difference between critical illness and terminal illness 

Terminal illness is any type of illness that is likely to lead to your death. Insurance companies tend to define terminal illness as a life expectancy of 12 months or less. You can often make a claim on your life insurance policy before you die if you have a terminal illness. 

A critical illness is a serious condition that can significantly disrupt your life but doesn’t necessarily lead to death. Insurance companies define which critical illnesses you can claim for. They will only pay out when you reach that definition. 

Do I need critical illness cover? 

Critical illness cover provides a valuable financial safety net if you get seriously ill. These are a few questions to ask yourself when deciding if you need cover. 

  • Financial dependants - Is your family dependent on your salary to pay the mortgage or rent and other financial commitments? 
  • Savings - Do you have the equivalent of six months’ income as savings to fall back on if you get sick? 
  • Employer -  What employee benefits does your employer offer? Will they pay your wages as normal while you’re off work or will you be put on to statutory sick pay? 

How much critical illness cover do I need?

Think about how much you and your family need to get by. Include monthly outgoings like your mortgage or rent payments, heating costs, food bills and the cost of running your car. You may also be paying school fees or contributing to your child’s college fees. 

Also consider any other debts that you’d want to pay off if you could no longer work. You may also want to add extra in case you need to pay for adjustments to your home following an illness or accident. 

Then consider if you can use savings to tide you over for a few months which may reduce the amount you need. Find out from your employer whether they offer a period of full or partial pay if you’re off sick for more than a few weeks. 

All this will give you a rough estimate of how much critical illness coverage you need. 

The cost of critical illness cover 

The price of your cover depends on several factors, including: 

  • the amount and type of cover you want 
  • the length of the policy 
  • your age and occupation 
  • your health and lifestyle 
  • any pre-existing medical conditions. 

The type of premium you choose can also affect the cost of your plan. Many insurers offer both guaranteed premiums and reviewable ones.  

Guaranteed premiums won’t change during the time you hold the plan unless you make changes to your cover. Reviewable ones will be reviewed every now and again by your insurer. They may change the premium, especially if you’ve made a claim. 

It’s also a good idea to review your amount of cover when your circumstances change. For example, getting married or having children could mean you’ll need extra cover. 

Changes in lifestyle and critical illness cover 

If you’re worried about the cost of critical illness cover, you can make changes to your lifestyle that could potentially lower your premium.  

Some of the lifestyle choices affecting the cost of your cover are smoking, drinking alcohol and being overweight. Quitting smoking and drinking and losing weight can help reduce the cost of cover. 

The benefits of critical illness cover

Researchers have forecast that one in five adults in England will be living with a major illness by 2040.  According to the report by the Health Foundation, cases of dementia are expected to rise 45% by 2040. Heart failure will rise by 92%, cancer by 31%, diabetes by 49%, chronic pain by 32%, and anxiety or depression by 16%.1 

If you find yourself faced with a serious illness, critical illness cover can provide financial security and peace of mind. You can use the lump sum to pay off bills, pay for private treatment or simply focus on your recovery without financial stress. 

Critical illness cover - things to consider 

Before you take out any critical illness cover, you should shop around for the best deal. It can be difficult to compare one policy to another as they vary so much. But, specialist advisers can help you understand the differences between policies.  

The main factors to consider are: 

How much cover do you need? 

You can have the cover for just you, or you and your partner and you can usually add children too. You can also add on indexation which means your cover keeps its value in the future. 

How long do you want the cover to last? 

The policy can run for as long as you need it. For example, until you finish paying your mortgage, or when your children finish full-time education. 

Which illnesses are covered? 

Knowing which illnesses the policy covers is important. Only a certain number of very specific illnesses will be covered. So, review the insurance documents carefully to find them. 

What isn’t covered by the policy? 

Check for exclusions, such as pre-existing conditions. Make sure you’re completely honest when answering medical questions. That way there’s no nasty surprises when making a claim. 

Want critical illness cover?

Other companies call it critical illness cover. At Vitality, we call it Serious Illness Cover. 

Unlike traditional critical illness plans, our cover pays out based on the impact that the conditions has on your lifestyle. We class conditions by their severity level and pay out between 5% and 100% of your total cover amount, depending on the severity.  

Because of this, we can cover more conditions than traditional critical illness planswhich means you are more likely to receive a payout, and you don't have to wait until your condition is critical to claim. 

Vitality Serious Illness Cover covers 114 different conditions as standard. This is more comprehensive than most other policies, which, on average, only cover 75 conditions. If you choose to upgrade your cover, you can be insured for up to 174 conditions. This means you're likely to be covered when you need it most. See all conditions we cover. 

Our insurance even allows you to roll over any unused cover once the policy has reached its end date. The amount that’s left unclaimed is available for you to convert into later life cover that pays out a lump sum if you’re diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, dementia or Parkinson’s. You just need to continue to pay your premiums. 

Find out more: Difference between serious illness and critical illness cover

Why choose Vitality?

Vitality Serious Illness Cover covers the widest number of medical conditions in the market, including some that are unique to us. It’s like critical illness cover, but it covers less severe conditions as well, so it’s more likely to pay out. Here are the main benefits: 

  • Cover for up to 174 conditions 
  • Also covers less serious conditions 
  • Claim in full more than once 
  • Later life cover included as standard 
  • Indexation and children’s cover can be added 
  • Stay active and earn rewards 
Get a critical illness cover quote today

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