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Income protection insurance

Protect your income if you can't work. And boost your payouts by up to 20%1 when you look after your health.

5 Star Defaqto rated income protection

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What is income protection insurance?

Income protection is a type of insurance policy that provides a regular stream of monthly income if you're unable to work due to illness or injury.

This financial safety net allows you to focus on your recovery without the added stress of lost income and mounting bills.

Income protection insurance can:

  • pay out if you need to take time off work for an illness or injury
  • pay you part of your monthly income
  • support your recovery and get you back to work


Benefits of income protection insurance

When you make a claim on your income protection policy, the payout is tax-free. It can help you protect your finances while you recover. The money can cover anything, like:

  • bills
  • mortgage or rent
  • childcare costs

Because you won’t pay tax on your monthly payments, it can replace most of your salary, depending on what cover you choose.

We paid 95.4% of Income Protection Cover Claims in 2023 (Vitality Claims and Benefits Report, 2024)

Our customer had:

  • £2,000 per month Income Protection
  • guaranteed his earnings upfront. So, he didn't need to worry about proving his level of income before he claimed
  • his deferred period was 1 month, so his income protection covered two months income out of the three he was off work**

*Real claim with name changed for anonymity purposes
**You choose a deferred period on the plan.  This is how long you’ll need to be unable to work before we start to pay your claim.


How much is income protection insurance?

Your income protection premium depends on few things, like:

  1. Your age
  2. Your medical history and your family’s medical history
  3. Your job
  4. Your income level
  5. How much alcohol you drink
  6. Your choice of deferred or waiting period
  7. If you’re a smoker (or use other tobacco products)

You could also add on indexation. This allows you to increase your cover in line with inflation.

What do I get with Vitality income protection?

Our income protection insurance includes:

Up to 20% extra on your payout

Boost your monthly payout for six months by looking after your health.1

Healthcare and support

Access a panel of support services to help your recovery when you claim. Includes physio, therapy and cancer support.

Flexible cover

Increase cover, waiting periods and payment periods when big life events happen.

Discounts and rewards

Earn great rewards and boost your payout when you stay healthy.

What's not covered with income protection insurance?

Like most insurers, our income protection insurance won't pay out if you're:

  • made redundant or dismissed
  • still getting paid sick pay
Man working on laptop wearing headset

Need some advice?

Our team are here to help you decide if income protection insurance is the right cover for you.

They'll give you qualified advice and recommendations. No obligation, no charge.

Call us on 0808 271 8355


Request a callback

How to make a claim on income protection

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Make a claim

Call us on 0345 601 0072, email [email protected] or find out more.


We'll assess the claim

Our team will keep you updated on the progress of your claim.

holding hands

You'll get a payment

If your claim’s approved, a monthly income will be paid into your bank account.

Call charge information

Calls to ‘03’ numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number, whether from a mobile or landline. If you get inclusive free calls to local rate numbers with your landline or mobile tariff, calls to ‘03’ numbers will be included.

Income protection insurance FAQs


  1. Payouts are boosted by up to 20% for the first 6 months of your claim. The booster amount is based on your Vitality status at point of claim.
  2., June 2024