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Vitality complaint process

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We do all we can to get things right, all the time.

It's always nice to get compliments. So if you're especially happy about our service, or you have a suggestion on how we can make things better, we'd love to hear from you.

We're just as keen to hear about when our service falls below the very high standards we set ourselves - it helps us improve. Therefore, if you have a complaint, please get in touch.

How to contact us about a complaint

Details on how to get in touch with us by telephone, email or in writing, are available on our contact us about a complaint page.

How we handle complaints

  • We’ll try to resolve any issues you encounter as soon as we’re aware of them
  • If you’re not happy with how we’ve dealt with your concerns, we’ll give you a direct contact within our Relationship Management Team who will look into things further with you
  • We will fully investigate your complaint and ensure that we address everything as soon as possible
  • We’ll be impartial, admit if we’ve done something wrong and do all we can to make things right
  • We will always try our hardest to contact you to let you know the outcome of your complaint
  • We’ll adhere to the guidelines of our regulators, the Financial Conduct Authority, and to the Consumer Duty principles 

The length of time it takes us to deal with your complaint may vary, depending on how complex it is, but we will always try to resolve things within 8 weeks of receipt and would really appreciate your patience.

If you contact us by telephone whilst we are still investigating your complaint and the person handling your complaint is not available, another member of our Relationship Management Team will be able to help you. 

Please include your name, contact details, Vitality plan number, along with your complaint reference number if you have one, in all correspondence and we will do everything that we can to help.

What to do if you're not happy with the outcome

If you’re not satisfied with the result of your complaint, you have the right to refer to the Financial Ombudsman Service who provide an independent and confidential service that is free to consumers.

The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9SR

Telephone 0800 023 4567 (Mon-Fri 8am to 8pm, Sat 9am to 1pm)
Email [email protected] 




As long as you accept their findings, the Ombudsman’s decision is binding on VitalityHealth and VitalityLife. However, you are still able to take private legal action if you do not agree with their decision.

Our complaints volume

In the interest of transparency, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) requires all firms receiving 500 or more reportable complaints over a six month period, to publish their complaints figures.

Vitality treats all customer complaints seriously and works hard to ensure that we learn from them. We strive to understand and address the underlying cause of every complaint in order to improve the overall experience of our customers.

View Vitality's complaints data

Vitality’s historic complaints data is publicly available information and can be found on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website. Please note that historic data (complaints before 30 June 2014) is published under Vitality’s previous name, Prudential Health Limited and Prudential Health Services Limited.