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Vitality unveils new workplace wellbeing toolkit  

18 November 2021
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Vitality unveils new workplace wellbeing toolkit for employers 

Thursday 18 November 2021 – Vitality has designed a free workplace wellbeing toolkit to help employers improve the wellbeing of employees. 

This follows reports that only a quarter (27%) of UK employees feel their employer cares about their overall wellbeing* and that three quarters (75%) of UK companies plan to improve their mental health services in the wake of the pandemic**. 

To help employers build an effective long-term workplace wellbeing strategy, Vitality has produced a free, bespoke toolkit which includes a guide, digital learning platform and other useful tools; all of which are available online.  

The guide explores the benefits of having a supportive workplace culture for companies, as well as the psychology and behavioural economics behind a successful wellbeing programme. The online digital learning platform aims to address the gap between employers’ wellbeing efforts and the impact on the health and wellbeing of their people with five evidence-based courses focusing on action and results. The courses, which are on-demand and open for anyone to access, feature a series of engaging and insightful ‘how to guides’, infographics, video content and tools.  

Dr Keith Klintworth, Managing Director, VitalityHealth said:
“Through our years of research and working with employers, we have seen time and time again how implementing and investing in a successful workplace wellbeing programme can lead to improved business performance through higher levels of productivity and greater resilience among employees. Our research shows that many employers struggle to make a positive impact on staff wellbeing even when interventions are put in place.  

“To help employers navigate their way to a healthier workplace, we’ve produced this bank of materials that focuses on what employers can do to support behaviour change and uptake in any interventions they have in place. We hope by providing this free of charge we can help many more business navigate their way to a healthier workplace, with healthier employees.” 

Visit Vitality’s free workplace wellbeing toolkit. 


Notes to editors 
*Why UK leaders need to build trust with their employees, Gallup, June 2020. 

**Emerging Trends in Health Care Delivery, Willis Towers Watson, April 2021. 

 For further information, please contact:  

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