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How trips work

Whether this is your first trip, or you've been using the app to record your trips for a while, learn how to earn points when you take a trip.

Get ready for your first trip

Before you start, make sure you link your sensor to the Vitality UK app. It only takes a few minutes.

  • Turn on settings for Bluetooth, Location Services and Motion Activity in the app
  • Link the app to your sensor
  • Stick the linked sensor to your windscreen

Let's hit the road

Once you’re set up, your sensor automatically detects when your car is moving. It also pairs with your phone through the app to record your trip.

Make sure all your drive settings are turned on in the app before you drive

The ABCDS of good driving

Your sensor and app use movement technology to review your driving habits. To get full points every time, keep an eye on these five driving habits – acceleration, braking, cornering, phone distraction and speeding.

You only get rated for trips over 0.6 miles


There's rarely a need to accelerate harshly. So always press the pedal gently and build speed gradually as you drive.

It might be tempting to get heavy-footed if you’re in a rush. But gradual acceleration can actually save you time on braking, too, so it's a good habit to get used to.


Like acceleration, braking slowly and more gradually can really help your trip rating. We all know how to emergency stop. But you should save them for actual emergencies, instead of when you're coming up to stationary traffic or a junction.

It's also good to practice a safe following distance to the car in front of you. This can give you enough time to react to any hazards on the road ahead and avoid harsh braking.


We can't predict what's around every corner. For example, there could be a sudden red light ahead, pedestrians, roadworks. Anything.

Try getting into the habit of cornering at an appropriate speed, where you’re not moving around in your seat too much on corners.

Slower cornering speeds will give you and your reflexes more time to react to any potential hazards.


We know it's easy to get distracted in the car, especially with a mobile. But remember, the law's very clear on phones. It's illegal to use or hold a phone or device while driving. So keep yourself, your passengers and other road users safe by not using your phone. Even if you have to put it in the glove-box while you're driving.


Speeding's dangerous. Even if you're going just a few miles over the limit, it can make a big difference to your chances of having an accident.

Keep an eye on your speedometer. And always give yourself enough time to get to where you're going - better safe than sorry.

Ending your trip

If your car hasn't moved for five minutes, or your phone has disconnected from the sensor, the app ends your trip.

Your driving data is then sent to us. As long as you have Wi-Fi or data turned on, your trip review will show in the app five minutes later.

How we rate your trips

Every trip you make can earn you points in the app.

Check your driving events

You can view your driving events in the app after each trip. Just check your trip map for any amber (minor) or red (major) events. If you do have any driving events, you’ll lose points from your daily total.

The sensor and app make use of accelerometer, GPS and gyroscope to rate your habits. We combine these bits of technology to rate your trip.

You won't be able to see how many points you’ve earned until the next day. This is so we can score all your trips for the full day.

For more information about events, check the FAQs below.

You can earn a maximum of six daily points for driving well or not driving at all. To earn six points for driving well be mindful of the ABCDS of good driving and check your trips in the app on a regular basis. We recognise safe drivers with rewards for good driving.

Where to find your points

Go to your points statement in the app.

Points statement

Your points statement will show you points earned each day, along with total points for the week.

Perfect driving day

Perfect driving day

You scored maximum 6 points and offset 100% of your carbon emissions

Car-free day

Car-free day

You scored maximum 6 points for not driving your car

Car-free day (pending)

Car-free day (pending)

You need to connect to your sensor to confirm your points.

Driving day<

Driving day

This will show ongoing if it's the same day. You'll see your score in your app the next day once we know you've finished driving for the day.

Trip key

You can check how you earned your points when you tap a driving day in your points statement.


Morning/Afternoon/Evening trip

You successfully recorded a trip

Named driver trip

Named driver trip

Another driver on your plan took a trip at this time - at the moment, you won't be able to see the detail of their trips

No phone present

No phone present

Your car was driven but the sensor couldn't connect to the app

Driving at night

If you have a driving event between 11pm and 4.30am, you’ll earn fewer points for that trip. With decreased visibility, making it harder to focus on potential dangers, it's statistically recognised as a more difficult time to drive (source: The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents).

Trip scoring FAQs

Need more help?  

If your app or sensor isn't working, see our useful guide to fixing common issues.