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How do I improve my status?

We’ve created a guide which will help you progress through the Vitality status as quickly as possible, to help you make the most of our partners.

Improve your Vitality status

At Vitality, we’re all about rewarding healthy living. That’s why we give you activity points for tracking certain healthy activities with a partnered activity tracker linked to your Vitality account. You can also earn additional Vitality points, by taking a health check, for example, with one of our partners.

The more points you earn, the higher your Vitality status will be. And the higher your Vitality status, the bigger discounts and rewards you could receive from our partners. 

Everyone starts at Bronze status. Gaining more points will increase your status to Silver, Gold and finally, Platinum. 

Vitality Points Calculator 

Get started with our easy-to-use points calculator to find out how many points you could earn and how long it'll take to improve your Vitality status.

Calculate your points

How many points do I need to reach each status?

  • Bronze

    0 points for bronze status

  • Silver

    800 points for single plan holders, 1200 points for joint plan holders for silver status

  • Gold

    1600 points for single plan holders, 2400 points for joint plan holders for gold status

  • Platinum

    2400 points for single plan holders, 3600 points for joint plan holders for platinum status

How can I earn Vitality points?

There’s a whole host of ways you can earn Vitality points from using a linked activity tracker from one of our partners: 

*Qualifying plans only. 

See all the ways you can earn Vitality points. Hear our members’ stories on how you can build your Vitality points.

How can I reach Silver?

By completing a few key activities, you can reach Silver status in only a month!

Activity Smokers  Non-smoker
Complete the Health Profile in the Vitality Member app 
Vitality Healthcheck
Pass the Vitality Healthcheck’s non-smokers test
Healthy cholesterol results
N/A 60
Healthy BMI results
N/A 60
Non-smoker declaration
N/A 100
Exercise using a smartphone, tracking device from one of our partners or app linked to your Vitality account
Healthy blood glucose results
Healthy blood pressure
Dental checkup
Exercise using a smartphone, tracking device from one of our partners or app linked to your Vitality account for 6 weeks

How can I reach Gold and Platinum?

Once you’ve reached Silver Vitality status and taken a Vitality Healthcheck, you can improve your status by earning points for healthy activities:

Activity Weekly points available  Max points available in a one-year plan
Exercise using a tracking device from one of our partners or app linked to your Vitality account
Attend a WeightWatchers wellness workshop

Why is there a maximum of 40 points a week for getting active?

We all need rest days to avoid burn out. That’s why you can earn up to 40 activity points a week.

Keep learning about Vitality

  • How do Vitality points work?

    Find out how many Vitality points you can earn for each activity, such as a Vitality Healthcheck or going to the gym

  • Vitality Healthcheck

    You could earn up to 780 Vitality points for taking a Vitality Healthcheck

  • Guide to Member Zone and the Vitality Member app

    Find out how to register for the Member Zone and Vitality Member app and start earning points

  • How to connect an activity tracker

    Find out which activity trackers you can use to earn points with Vitality and how to get started