How to earn points for different activities
How to start collecting Vitality points
Every adult on your plan can earn Vitality points for getting active each week. You can earn up to 8 Vitality activity points a day from one type of workout, up to a total of 40 Vitality activity points per week.
Hear our members’ stories on how you can build your Vitality points.
Vitality Points Calculator
Get started with our easy-to-use points calculator to find out how many points you could earn and how long it'll take to improve your Vitality status.
How long until my points appear on my Vitality Points Statement?
Your tracked activity is normally updated within a couple of hours from when you have uploaded to the manufacturer site or the Vitality Member app. However, in some circumstances, your Vitality points can take up to 48 hours to appear on your points statement. If points have taken longer than 48 hours, please contact us via the Member Zone to let us know.
Keep learning about Vitality
Find out how to connect your Headspace app to Vitality and start earning points for meditating.
How to connect an activity tracker
Find out which activity trackers you can use to earn points with Vitality and how to get started.
How do Vitality points work?
Find out how many Vitality points you can earn for each activity, such as a Vitality Healthcheck or going to the gym.